Registration Fees

  EARLY-BIRD SPECIAL - until June 30, 2022* REGULAR PRICE*

Preconference only

Strategic Forum only

and Forum 
(Save 15%)

Preconference only

Strategic Forum only

and Forum
(Save 15%)

General Fee (Industry/Not-for-Profit/Government/Other)
$ 340 $ 730 $ 910  $ 440
 $ 830  $1080
Employee of one of CellCAN Network Affiliates Center
(see the list)
$ 290 $ 610 $765  $ 390  $ 710  $ 935
Trainee/Post-Doc Fee/Patients/Patient groups $ 250 $ 450 $510  $ 350
 $ 485  $ 710
Sponsors (additional registration)
 N/A  N/A $ 600   N/A
 N/A  $ 600

* All prices are in Canadian Dollars. Does not include applicable taxes.


Please note the early bird registration deadline is June 30th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PDT. Registration will close on September 13th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PDT.

Registration fees for the preconference includes all meals (breakfast and lunch), refreshment breaks and access to the exhibit hall. 

Registration fees for the preconference and Strategic Forum, or only Strategic Forum include full access to all plenary sessions, workshops, networking event(s) and the exhibit hall. It also includes all meals (breakfast and lunch) and refreshment breaks.


  • Up to July 30, 2022: Full refund.
  • As of August 1, 2022: No refund.