Monday September 19
7:00 - 9:00
Registration – Nunavut - 4th floor
Breakfast – Confederation III
9:00 - 9:10
Welcome from CellCAN – Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy Network
Denis Claude Roy, CEO, CellCAN
Confederation I & II
Theme 1: Biomarkers and analytics in the new era of personalized medicine
Moderator: Renaud Manuguerra-Gagné, Journalist & Scientific Communicator
Chair: Nicolas Montpas, Associate Director, Biomarker & Diagnostics Unit, C3i
From predictive biomarker development for personalized medicine to the critical role that biomarkers play in supporting quality control for manufacturing under GMP, the analyses of biomarkers play a pivotal role in novel therapeutics development for CGT. This preconference half day engages participants to learn how the identification, development and validation of biomarkers takes place, their utility in drug development and manufacturing, how deep learning and AI contribute greatly to target selection and unfolds examples of the clinical responsiveness to novel CGT that include the generation of real world evidence.
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Confederation I & II
9:10 - 10:30
Toolbox for quality control in cell & gene therapy, Nicolas Montpas, Associate Director, Biomarker & Diagnostics Unit, C3i
Accreditation for quality control testing in cell & gene therapy, Stéphanie Peika, Founder & CEO, SLP Consult
The role of digital PCR in discovery, safety and efficacy, Claude Lachance, Senior Application Specialist, Bio-Rad
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10:30 - 10:50
Health break and exhibitors visit |
10:50 - 12:00
T-cell reconstitution after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Jean-Sébastien Delisle, Physician-Scientist, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Medical Director, Centre d’excellence en thérapie cellulaire
Novel technologies in CGT biomarker and analytics: Genome Canada’s Precision Health Program, Rob Annan, President & CEO, Genome Canada
Regulatory challenges and possible approaches for microbiological testing of cell & gene therapy product, Pierre Lam, Account Manager - Rapid Microbiology Methods, bioMérieux
Confederation I & II
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch, networking and exhibitors visit
Confederation III
Theme 2: Clinical Trials in Advanced Therapies
Moderator: Renaud Manuguerra-Gagné, Journalist & Scientific Communicator
Chair: Denis Claude Roy, CEO, CellCAN
With global clinical trials on CGT projects reaching an all time high, a vast number of patients with various disease indications are being impacted by the infusion of clinical trials. This preconference half-day focuses on the groups behind this tremendous effort, the types of trials under way and dives into the impact these novel therapeutic trials have on patient access and growing the CGT ecosystem at large.
Confederation I & II
13:30 - 15:00
Early cell and tissue therapy trials in Québec; lessons learned and outlook on the future, Jean-Sébastien Delisle, Director, ThéCell
Advancing regenerative medicine clinical trials and clinical translation, Lauralyn McIntyre, Senior Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute & Stem Cell Network-funded Investigator
Tailor-made for Canada: The BioCanRx Cell and Gene Immunotherapy Program, John Bell, Scientific Director, BioCanRx
Confederation I & II
15:00 - 15:20
Health break and exhibitors visit
15:20 - 16:55
Clinical trial design & launch for cell-based therapy targeting COVID - Duncan Stewart, CEO, OIRM
Towards more efficient clinical trials in Canada, Annette Hay, Senior Investigator, Canadian Clinical Trials Group, Excellirate
Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Québec: Supporting Canada’s cell therapy ecosystem
- Jelena Holovati, Laboratory Director, Edmonton Stem Cell Manufacturing Program, Adjunct Scientist, Canadian Blood Services
- Nancy Robitaille, Vice President, Transfusion Medicine, Héma-Québec; Professor, Pediatrics, Université de Montréal
Confederation I & II
16:55 - 17:00
Wrap-up of the preconference |
17:30 - 21:00
Welcome Reception - Sponsored by: 
*Food & beverages will be provided*
Confederation Foyer